
CPU Benchmarks

Over 1,000,000 CPUs benchmarked

AMD Ryzen 7 8845H vs Ryzen 7 8845HS

The AMD Ryzen 7 8845H is newer than AMD Ryzen 7 8845HS, while AMD Ryzen 7 8845HS is around 8% faster in multi-threaded (CPU Mark) testing, it is around 7% faster in single-thread testing. Both CPUs operates at simliar power levels (TDP). All the CPUs in this comparison belong in the Desktop, Laptop CPU Class.The values below were tabulated from a combined 1363 benchmarks submitted from our PerformanceTest software and results and are updated daily to include new submissions.

  • The first section will show basic information for each CPU selected.
  • The additional graphs shows the CPU Mark and Single Thread values of each CPU selected.
  • An accompany graph, if price data is available, will shows the value for money, in terms of the CPU Mark/Thread Rating per dollar.
  • The last section will show approximate yearly running costs for the CPUs.
×AMD Ryzen 7 8845H×AMD Ryzen 7 8845HS+ ADD
Price Search Online Search Online
Socket TypeFP7 FP7r2 FP8FP7 FP7r2 FP8
CPU ClassDesktop, LaptopDesktop, Laptop
Clockspeed3.8 GHz3.8 GHz
Turbo SpeedUp to 5.1 GHzUp to 5.1 GHz
# of Physical Cores8 (Threads: 16)8 (Threads: 16)
CacheL1: 512KB, L2: 8.0MB, L3: 16MBL1: 512KB, L2: 8.0MB, L3: 16MB
Yearly Running Cost$8.21$8.21
Otherw/ Radeon 780M Graphicsw/ Radeon 780M Graphics
First Seen on ChartQ1 2024Q1 2024
# of Samples431320
CPU Value0.00.0
Single Thread Rating(% diff. to max in group)3504(-7.1%)3770(0.0%)
CPU Mark(% diff. to max in group)26602(-7.5%)28774(0.0%)

CPU Mark Rating
As of 13th of March 2025 - Higher results represent better performance
AMD Ryzen 7 8845H
AMD Ryzen 7 8845HS
CPU Single Thread Rating
As of 13th of March 2025 - Higher results represent better performance
AMD Ryzen 7 8845H
AMD Ryzen 7 8845HS
Estimated Energy Usage Cost
Estimated Energy Adjustable Values
Average hours of use per day Average CPU Utilization (0-100%)1 Power cost, $ per kWh2
1Average user usage is typically low and can vary from task to task. An estimate load 25% is nominal.
2Typical power costs vary around the world. Check your last power bill for details. Values of $0.15 to $0.45 per kWh are typical.
AMD Ryzen 7 8845H AMD Ryzen 7 8845HS
Max TDP45W45W
Power consumption per day (kWh)0.090.09
Running cost per day$0.022$0.022
Power consumption per year (kWh)32.932.9
Running cost per year$8.21$8.21
Shown CPU power usage is based on linear interpolation of Max TDP (i.e. max load). Actual CPU power profile may vary.